A Dope Designer from Brooklyn

Memory Myth & Meaning

Branding, Print

Memory Myth and Meaning in a time of Turmoil, is a psychoanalysis conference with a focus on growth and understanding. The theme of the conference is meant to evoke the myriad ways in which psychoanalytic theory and practice attempt to enhance the human condition. To develop my concept I focused on the idea of misconception. I utilized electron microscope photography, cropped in different ways and overlayed with color. Uncovering the subject of the image is up to the viewer's curiosity.

 The feel of the conference should be perceived as inviting and intriguing. The logo was created to reflect that idea, a bit informal but still maintaining its structure.The logo color changes based on application, Myth being the odd one out of the t

The feel of the conference should be perceived as inviting and intriguing. The logo was created to reflect that idea, a bit informal but still maintaining its structure.The logo color changes based on application, Myth being the odd one out of the three.

invitations for the conference

invitations for the conference

 Call for student papers

Call for student papers

List of Speakers

List of Speakers

This is the brochure with the full list of speakers and moderators that would be handed out to all of the conference guest.
